Q is to roll counter clockwise, and E is to roll clockwise. (Note that this rule changes in space due to the games controle mechanic changing from surface, to space). Back to flying lessons, the flight controls are very simple to remember as they are all very close to each other W is pitch down and S is pitch up, like in any simulator that has planes.
Fly in space can be easier but it can also very hard as well, this also depends on the craft your using. Its all depends on how you fly, and what craft your using. I will teach you how to fly in this section of the guide.įly can be very easy, or very difficult. Using your own craft help you get a different grasp on the flight controls and how to game mechanics work.
But in my opinion, thats not a good idea. Most of the new players will be playing with the 'Stock' crafts as a start to learn how to fly.